Did Vikings have red hair?

Yes, some Vikings had red hair

When most people think of Vikings, they might imagine a group of tall, blonde-haired warriors with fierce beards and horned helmets. But one aspect of this image has been a topic of debate for years: did Vikings have red hair?

The short answer is yes, some Vikings had red hair. While it’s true that the majority of Vikings likely had blonde or brown hair, red hair was also present in the Viking population. In fact, recent studies have shown that up to 10% of Vikings may have had red hair.

Where did Viking red hair come from?

Some historians believe that it may have been a result of intermarriage between Vikings and the indigenous populations of the British Isles. Vikings may have brought the redhead gene to Scotland during their years of raids and conquests. However, the Greek philosopher Aristotle writes about northern fishermens’ red hair and how the cold and moisture must have made it that way. That was at least 1000 years before the Vikings started raiding Scotland. The ancient Romans also wrote about redheaded Gauls and Celts. It’s also possible that some Vikings had red hair due to genetic mutations, which can occur in any population.

Genetic tests on Viking Remains

Genetic tests on Viking remains have for the most part shown they were blonde from the north (modern-day Sweden) and red from the west (modern-day Denmark). So we can say that some Vikings were redheads and some were not!

Artistic depictions of blonde-haired Vikings

Despite this, the image of the blonde-haired Viking has persisted in popular culture, perhaps due to the influence of early artistic depictions of Vikings that emphasised their physical appearance. In reality, the Viking population was likely much more diverse in terms of appearance than we often assume.

Vikings shaved their heads

Interestingly, the Vikings themselves didn’t seem to place much importance on hair color. While they did value physical beauty, they were more likely to focus on other traits such as strength, courage, and intelligence. In fact, many Viking warriors would shave their heads entirely or wear their hair in a practical, no-nonsense style to avoid it getting in the way during battle.


So while it’s true that Vikings with red hair weren’t necessarily the norm, they were certainly present within the population. And while the image of the blonde-haired Viking may be ingrained in our cultural consciousness, it’s important to remember that the Viking population was made up of individuals with a wide range of appearances and traits.

And don’t forget to check out other articles in our Ginger Red Hair Facts category.

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